Monday, May 16, 2011

may 04

What do i want my outcome to be from my project?

Theres many outcomes i want from my project,but my main number one reason is for people to have better knowledge of kids with down syndrome. Also to cope with us by not judging them by not feeling sorry for them.They are like any other human being just more special, kids with down syndrome are very smart kids is just that they are a bit slow THAT DON'T MAKE THEM RETARDED i just dnt like that word... Also i want to inspire people to work together so we can make a difference in the world. it will be great to have all this organizations that will help newly parents cope with having a child with down syndrome.Also i as the sister of a child with down syndrome find it hard to find events or organizations concerning "down syndrome".Also i want to reach out to everyone to stop the negligence that the children with down syndrome receive. Lets not forget they have feelings they understand! Hopefully my outcomes from my blog is positive, remember your not alone theres many more people out there who are dealing with children with down syndrome and if we get together we can make a difference

1 comment:

  1. Aww, sister I never tought you could put your toughts all together in a great touching Well this was great reading and the first thing you see in the blog is WONDERFUL<3
